According to Azmi Bshara (عزمي بشارة), as he recording above saying it in the Israeli media, there is no such thing as palestinian nation. The area belongs to the Syria nation and that includes the arabs here. It couldnt be more "in your face" then this.
Every history book written of the Arab nation talks about how Arabs came
out of Arabia in the late 630s, AD and went northwest and then westward
across North Africa; even the Arabs admit to it. Azmi Bshara is wanted by the Israeli athouroty for aiding the terrist organiation Hizballa
This originated in a March 1977 interview of زهير محسن) Zuheir Mohsen ) with the Dutch newspaper Trouw:
“ Between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese there are no differences. We are all part of ONE people, the Arab nation. Look, I have family members with Palestinian, Lebanese, Jordanian and Syrian citizenship. We are ONE people. Just for political reasons we carefully underwrite our Palestinian identity. Because it is of national interest for the Arabs to advocate the existence of Palestinians to balance Zionism. Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity exists only for tactical reasons. The establishment of a Palestinian state is a new tool to continue the fight against Israel and for Arab unity.
A separate Palestinian entity needs to fight for the national interest in the then remaining occupied territories. The Jordanian government cannot speak for Palestinians in Israel, Lebanon or Syria. Jordan is a state with specific borders. It cannot lay claim on - for instance - Haifa or Jaffa, while I AM entitled to Haifa, Jaffa, Jerusalem en Beersheba. Jordan can only speak for Jordanians and the Palestinians in Jordan. The Palestinian state would be entitled to represent all Palestinians in the Arab world en elsewhere. Once we have accomplished all of our rights in all of Palestine, we shouldn't postpone the unification of Jordan and Palestine for one second.
James Dorsey, Wij zijn alleen Palestijn om politieke reden, Trouw, 31 March 1977
Another person who claims that Jordan is Palestinian is Mudar Zahran a Jordanian opposition leader. Zahran is a Jordanian Palestinian that lives in exile in London. This is a speach he made in September 2013 and took place at the " two states for two peoples on both sides of the Jordan " that held by Professors behalf . The leader openly said that " Jordan is Palestine " . Watch :
Yet, anti-Semiticm prganisations and people continue to lie and tell the invented tell about the Jews stole the Arabs homeland . Jewish people are the world's refugees and as such, our place is in Israel or not at all. We're lucky that the world is watching today how the Arabs tribes kill all each other. '' Still the most burning issue of the World '' , as the chaos in the world is simply because these Jews, these Israelis, "stole" to the "Palestinians" their country and are not willing to return to be the refugees of the world.
The Zionist settlement in the land of Israel (or Palestine as was known by the Turkish goverment and the British mandat that ruled at the time in the area), was established with hope in 1878. The area was destroyed almost completely abandoned .After the Jewish settlment grew, waves of Arab immigration into the country were started and grew stronger, due to livelihood and living in the country developed by the Jews settekers. Arabs from all over the Middle East came to Israel from countries such as Syria, Lebanon, Jordan , and Sudan , Morocco and farther. Even today many clans originating outside to Israel , such as the Mughrabi clan = from Mugrab = in North - Africa ; the Shami clan = Sham ( = Syria ) = Matzri from Egypt etc. . Arab family names indicate the place of origin and tribal affiliation .
The Hajj clan (El Hajj), for example, came from Saudi Arabia . They feared revenge and settled in Taybeh . Another family came in the second half of the 19 century - with Ibrahim Pasha from Egypt and its source frpm Masrawa . They settled in Taybeh. Other families, such as Abd al-Qadir ( indicating their whereabout Bedouin- origin ) they may have a small family that makes its living from crime and the underworld , and is well known to the local police. The name Al Tibi is not related to Taiba and does not imply its association settlement of the Arab - Israeli conflict. Tibi clan (or Al Tibi, a multi Arabic name which means the goodones ) is a very large family from Damascus, Syria. Damascus has a quality neighborhood . Ahmed Tibi is, in fact, a Syrian immigrant. . And the list goes on :
Masri = Egypt
Tibi / Al - Tibi = Syria
Chamys = Bahrainis
Al - Farocki = Iraq
Al - Arge = Morocco
Al - Lubnan = Lebanon
Al - Mogravi = Mugrave = Morocco
Al - G'zir = Algiers
Al - Yemenite = Yemen
Al - Afgani = Afganisstn
Al - Hindi = guess alone
Hamati = Hamat Syria
Autman = Turkey
Allawi = Syria
Halavi = Aleppo Syria
Dag'ani = Saudi Arabia
Mattar = Mattar a Village in Yemen
Al - Cord = Kurdistan , recently evicted from East Jerusalem
Al - Baghdadi = Iraq
Tarabolsi = Tripoli Lebanon
Hourani = Hauran Syria
Husseini = Saudi Arabia there is a claim that they are the descendants of Muhammad
Masrawa = Egypt
Bardawil = Egypt , Lake Bardawil
Nashashibi = Syria
Bushank = Bosnia
Zoabi = Iraq
Turki = Turkey
Hadadin = Yemen
Abu Sitta = Clan Taravin from Egypt
Al - Azad = Yemen
Al - Hijazi = Saudi Arabia
Al - Tamimi = Saudi Arabia
Al - Korashi = Saudi Arabia
Murad = Yemen
Al Obeid - Obeid is a Sudan town
Al - Trtir = Village Trtir Egypt
Tamari = Saudi Arabia
Zubaidi = Clan Zubaidi Iraq
Al - Tzurani = Tzur city in Lebanon
And the list go on.......
So who said the state of apartheid?
So stop the occupation ,

Stop the British occupation of the Falkland Islands
Stop the American occupation of Mexico (State of Texas)
Stop the Turkish occupation of Kurdistan and Cyprus
Stop the French occupation of Alsace - Lorraine
Stop the Muslim conquest of Israel ( Muslims conquered 77 % of the land of Israel )
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