something doesnt look right to me - tha arabs claiming that gaza is a concentration camp... but it looks prety nice to me

ברצועת עזה לא חסר כלום, לפחות לא דבר שישראל מונעת מהתושבים. את האוכל ישראל מספקת להם דרך מחסום ארז
מתוצרת ישראלית - השוק בעזה עמוס בתוצרת ישראלית. החשמל גם כן מסופק לרצועה למרות חוב של מליונים לחברת החשמל הישראלית. הבניינים מפוארים ורבי קומות. אפילו שרותי רפואה ובתי חולים יש בשפע. מי שמבקש, הטיפול בישראל לא נמנע ממנו ואפילו נותנים לו עדיפות. אלו הם חיי הישראלים, בתמורה לנתינה שלהם לעם הערבי שחי ברצועת עזה - ירי טילים לעבר אוכלוסייה ישראלית אזרחית.
They want to destroy Israel, yet most of their food comes from us...go figure!
Civilian population in the Gaza Strip is not missing anything, at least not that Israel is preventing them. Israel provides Israeli-made and products food for them through the Erez passage - Gaza's market is full with Israeli pruducts. Electricity also provided Strip despite a debt of millions to the IEC. Luxury buildings and high rises are common in Gaza. Even the medical services and hospitals abound. Even though, any person who wants to, gets treatment in Israel and and even give it priority.
These are the lives of Israelis, in exchange for their giving Arab people living in Gaza - fired rockets at Israeli civilian population.
Poor poor gaza, the poverty is just overwhelming....NOT!
This is posted for all who believes that the arabs in Gaza and the west bank can't afford cars - Here is just one seen of down town Ramallah. (Looks like plenty of cars
to me). Other pictures depicting the same were previously posted as
Bet you never knew gaza has Mercedes dealerships?
No end in sight of the terrible destruction by Iran supported and financed Syrian regime. Where is BDS to protest?
And again kids in Israel in danger of death. what would you do friends if they were your kids?
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