Rapist and killer David Jaggers Crime Documentary - In an episode of "Britain's Darkest Taboos", Vicky outlined her early family life and her brother's increasingly disturbing behaviour. Experts said Jaggers took away his sister's childhood and innocence with his abuse, and the young girl found out she was carrying her brother's baby.
2014 Rapist and killer David Jaggers Crime Documentary FULL, We talk to the victims of convicted rapist and killer David Jaggers. Jaggers raped his sister Vicky since she was 9 years old. When she was just 12 years old and as a result she gave baby.
A seemingly ordinary family, the Jaggers had some seriously sick skeletons in their proverbial closet. Victoria Jaggers was born in England. She was the youngest of four siblings. She remembered a happy childhood. Her half-brother David, her mother’s son from a previous relationship was her best friend. They spent hours playing together and she adored him. “He cuddled her to pieces….and he was a happy kid,” Averil recalled.

Although this arrangement worked for Len and Averil, it caused more problems for their children. David didn’t have the chance to build friendships. He had no stability. His criminal background and anti-social traits were a dangerous cocktail for sexual offences. Clearly, David’s behaviour developed somewhere along the line through his parenting and general environment.
For her part, Vicky had no teachers or friends to whom she could turn when David’s incestuous abuse began. In fact, victhe lack of people in her life increased her reliance upon David for emotional bonding. At 12, Vicky’s brother entered her bedroom, climbed into bed with her and raped her. Even today, In the following morning Vicky joined her brother and mother in the kitchen. In the light of day, everyone acted normal. She wondered if what had happened to her the night before had really happened. The following night, David raped the little girl again. Another rape happened the night after. After 3 rapes, Vicky couldn’t take it anymore. She refused to sleep in that particular room again but she wouldn’t explain the reason to her parents.
A psychologist who studied the case stated that in order for David to have sexually assaulted his younger sister, he must have been exposed to sex in some manner be it pornography, sex in the household, or some other venue.
But it was too late. At 12, Vicky Jaggers discovered she was pregnant with David’s baby. She told her parents it was “a boy at school.” The police became involved. The police asked Averil if Len could be the father. They didn’t believe little Vicky’s story. David moved out and Vicky gave birth to a baby girl she named Kirsty. Averil opted to raise little Kirsty although she was honest with her about her mother’s identity. Len and Averil sent the young mom to a boarding school.

Knowing she would be safe with her brother in jail, Vicky returned home from boarding school and began building her relationship with Kirsty.
When Len died of cancer, David got early release from prison. Suddenly David was back in Vicky’s life. Without warning David strangled Vicky until she turned blue. Vicky cut David out of her life, marrying a man named Kelly and having four more children. Over the following decade she had no contact with David. 18 years flew by and David the serial rapists had to move back in with mummy because he’d lost his flat.
David contributed nothing to Aveil’s household and spent most of his days using his computer. Vicky’s teenage daughters often visited their grandmother and it was now that Vicky confronted her brother, screaming at him and attacking him physically. After Vicky had lashed out at him, David felt his control dissolve. Vicky felt safe enough to tell her husband what David had done to her 18 years before. Kelly delivered Averil the sad news. It easn't surprising to her.
Vicky was forced to make a statement to police in order to have him arrested. David was arrested elsewhere during a siege where, not surprisingly, he took a woman hostage, much like he’d done to Vicky years before. David pled guilty and was sentenced to life in prison.
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