הילדה הערביה מול חיילים ישראליים.
Palestinian girl in front of Israeli soldiers .palliwood in its best
אחת ממיסדי הארגון המזוין הזה "בצלם" היא זועבי ג'לעון (זהבה גלאון בשמה הקודם)
שולחים ילדים אלימים להוציא את חיילי צה"ל מדעתם כדי להוציא תמונה מוצלחת שתראו בתגובה הראשונה.

Our enemies are constantly stooping to new lows, this time by completing photoshopping a Jewish teenage "settler" into a picture, looking like he is kicking an older muslim woman...good thing he's as pathetic a photoshopper as I'm sure he is a human being.
thats horrible! my goodness...shame on them..
This is one of their latest propaganda pieces against Israel. Notice the fabricated photo on the top. The top picture has both black and white "soldiers" and children in full color.
Then notice also that these are not just any kids. They are the children of Nabi Saleh who regularly unsuccessfully sends their girls out to pick on Israeli soldiers while hoping for a response to photograph. Since they can't ever get a reaction, they then fabricate cheap photos like these
Arabs propaganda is always try to draw a picture of israel as the one
which is cruel and don't care about the Arabs children.
However we never hear about the Israeli goverment which take care of thousands Arabs children and gives them FREE treatment in Israeli hospitals.
This is just another tragical story about how Israel cares about the
Arabs children more than their own parents!!
However we never hear about the Israeli goverment which take care of thousands Arabs children and gives them FREE treatment in Israeli hospitals.
This is just another tragical story about how Israel cares about the
Arabs children more than their own parents!!
See how easy it is for the media to distort the truth!
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