מודעות ברמת הדף

דרושים בהייטק ופיננסים

יום שישי, 16 בספטמבר 2011

Joe Cocker - You Can Leave Your Hat On

השיר הזה מוקדש לכל החשפנים שהכרתי לאחרונה, יותר מהכרתי כל חיי. מי יתן ותהיו שריריים, חלקים ולוהטים עוד שנים. כן ירבו. ולדרמה קווין, זה לא מכוון אלייך. אל תתרבה, מספיק אחד כמוך וגם זה יותר מדי.

take off your coat
real slow.
Take off your shoes
I'U. take off your shoes.
take off your dress
You can leave your hat on -
You can leave your hat on -
You can leave your hat on.
Go on over there
turn on the light
all the lights.

Come over here
stand on that chair
that's right.
Raise your arms in the air
now shake 'em.
you give me reason to live - you give me reason to live -
you give me reason to live - you give me reason to live.

Sweet darling - you can leave your hat on -
You can leave your hat on
baby - you can leave your hat on -
You can leave your hat on - you can leave your hat on -
You can leave your hat on.

Suspicious minds are talkin'
they're tryin' to tear us apart !
They don't believe that it is love of mine -
They don't know what love is - they don't know what love is -
They don't know what love is - they don't know what love is -
I know what love is !

There ain't no way - you can leave your hat on -
You can leave your hat on - you can leave your hat on -
Give me the reason to live - you can leave your hat on!

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